Thomas A Dorfer

Thomas A Dorfer

AI & Machine Learning

15 stories

Yearly timeline, from 2012 to 2023, highlighting the most significant advances in AI.
An image of a busy city street at night, with persons and cars being detected by YOLO-NAS.
An image depicting the formulas of MAE, MSE, RMSE, R-squared, and MAPE as well as a diagram showing predicted value over actual value and the corresponding error as dotted lines between the points and the diagonal ground truth line.
Thomas A Dorfer

Thomas A Dorfer

Time Series

4 stories

Time-series data represented in a line chart, including a forecast.
Time-series data showing an anomalous spike.
Dynamic plot of Fp2 and C3 channels
Thomas A Dorfer

Thomas A Dorfer


5 stories

Image showing Python code that squares all values in a list, using both the built-in map function and a list comprehension.
A picture depicting a pair of glasses through which the contents of the monitors behind them are magnified.
Thomas A Dorfer

Thomas A Dorfer

General Tech and Data Science

3 stories

Photo of a variety of rainbow colors representing the concept of diversity
A picture showing three post-it notes that say: To Do, Doing, and Done
A photo showing a start-up culture on the left and skyscrapers on the right
Thomas A Dorfer

Thomas A Dorfer

Data Visualization

3 stories

A data analyst preparing some charts for a presentation.
Thomas A Dorfer

Thomas A Dorfer

Data & Applied Scientist @ BCG. I mainly write about data science and technology.